
Discovering Utopia: Lost Archives of Soviet Design

'Discovering Utopia: Lost Archives of Soviet Design' offered a glimpse into an idealised world created by Soviet designers that, for the most part, never left the space of their workshops.

In the Soviet Union, designers developed daring projects that were inspired by 'utopian' visions of the future. The Russian installation, presented as a rediscovered archive, told the story of the forgotten projects created at the All-Union Soviet Institute of Technical Aesthetics (VNIITE) and Soviet Design Studios (SHKB) between the 1960s and 1980s. The institute brought together designers, sociologists, philosophers, cultural and art historians, working at the forefront of design theory and research.

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Photography: Ed Reeve


Administering Body:

Moscow Design Museum

Design Team:

Stepan Lukyanov (designer)

Olga Druzhinina, Natalia Goldchteine, Ekaterina Shapkina (administrators)


Alexandra Sankova

Supporting Bodies:

Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

ROSTEC Corporation

United Engine Corporation

TASS Russian News Agency

The Art Newspaper Russia

Russia Beyond the Headlines

2016 Exhibitors