VRPolis, Diving into the Future
VRPolis, Diving into the Future
Inspired by its success, 'VRPolis, Diving into the Future' asked what a smart city could be capable of 100 years from now. An immersive 360-degree virtual-reality film imagined how medium-sized towns of the future could harness new technologies to make improvements in the fields of energy, mobility, connectivity, habitat, architecture, water and waste. This project showed prospective and possible sustainable futures based on emerging trends. It was conceived as a practical tool that could play an inspirational role for inventors and innovators.
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Photography: Ed Reeve
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport
Dimeloami Productions
María Levene
Maite Cantón
Viesgo; Santander City Hall
Official College of Cantabrian Architects (COACAN)
Experience powered by HTC VIVE