LDB Sessions

Dancing with the Trouble: Ritual Design in the Age of Consequence (Performance)

4 Jun 2023 14:00 - 16:00 Care Pavilion, Mezzanine, Somerset House

14:00 - 16:00 - Dr Malé Luján Escalante, Dr Luke Moffat and Lizzie Harrison.

The metacrisis is a rite-of-passage, a unique opportunity to traverse boundaries and explore how to make new more just worlds. This is a participatory piece, a ritual to make time to be in our bodies, to dance with the troubles of the Anthropocene.

Inspired Indigenous AI Protocols, Donna Haraway and ritual design, together we will perform a ritual embracing the magical, illogical and emergent.

Part of the Sympoeisis programme presented by the Care Pavilion.

We need new ways of being with one another - glimpses of liberatory abolitionist futures that show that other ways are possible. ‘Sympoeisis’ explores care through practices of knowing and being: from the myths and ceremonies that have allowed people and the more than human world to converse over millenia to care as an act of renewal and resistance. ‘Sympoiesis’ is a space for wild ideas, for deep listening – a place to ‘make-with’ other life-forms.

Initiator: Felipe Viveros and The Bonita Chola

Sound installation: composed by Love Ssega, The Bonita Chola, Marco Perry, Carl Golembeski & Felipe Viveros

Music: composed by Love Ssega, Marco Perry & Carl Golembeski

Care Pavilion, no special booking needed