London Design Biennale Medal Winners 2023

LDB Medals

London Design Biennale presents four medals to the pavilions that have contributed the most exceptional installations to the Biennale in 2023.

Three Medals were awarded on 1 June, selected by the International Jury and one medal will be awarded on 21 June, voted for by the public.

The medals were designed by Shimmell and Madden and celebrate the Biennale’s tradition of cultural exchange and leading design solutions.

The London Design Biennale medals are sponsored by smart electric vehicles company Avatr Technology. Learn more about Avatr’s design philosophy of living embodiment.

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London Design Biennale 2023 Medal

Poland – ‘Poetics of Necessity’ was awarded the London Design Biennale 2023 Medal, for the most outstanding overall contribution. Photo by Iona Wolff

Discover Poland's pavilion

London Design Biennale 2023 Theme Medal

Abu Dhabi – ‘Formation of Soof’ was awarded the London Design Biennale Theme Medal, for the most inspiring interpretation of the theme. Photo by Iona Wolff

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London Design Biennale 2023 Best Design Medal

Taiwan – ‘Visible Shop’ was awarded the London Design Biennale Best Design Medal for the most exceptional design. Photo by Iona Wolff

Discover Taiwan's pavilion

London Design Biennale 2023 Public Medal

Turkey – ‘OpenWork I Açık Yapıt’ was awarded the London Design Biennale Public Medal, voted for by the public over the course of the Biennale. Photography: Lucy Ranson

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